Stories about hiking, life, love and adventure.

Hiking for the Soul
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We are not professional hikers, and this is not a traditional hiker blog. We love the outdoors and go as often as we can because we know from experience that hiking is good for the soul.
We want to hear from you too. Whether you are a hiker or whether you just know what it is to wander in the Wilderness. Please check out our submission guidelines if you have something that you want to share that might inspire others....We want to hear from YOU.
Find out more about Wilderness Chick and about the Dude, Dog & Chick.

It's BBQ season and fireworks season, but with the unprecedented temperatures in Portland this past week, many of the cities around our beautiful state have implemented fireworks bans. When I was a child, we would go to the reservation and buy the big stuff, mortar rounds and M-80's. My grandpa Newt would help us blow stuff up, lighting the fireworks with his blow torch, his eyes full of childlike glee. It was incredibly fun and extremely dangerous, but my brother and I loved it, of course.

A lot of things have changed since then. We've gained some intelligence and lost some along the way. I am not making a statement about which was better. Here in Oregon, we have had a long-time ban of fireworks that fly into the air although it was easy to cross the border into Washington to the other stuff. My ex and I used make the drive when the kids were growing up and we'd have the best fireworks display south of the river. Things have changed again. Especially, the last few years.

Let’s take better care of what we have. Pack out what you bring in. As Smokey the Bear said in 1944, “Care will prevent 9 out of 10 Forest Fires,” which is more accurate than his 1947 statement “Only YOU can prevent Forest Fires.” It doesn’t matter how he said it. Tossed cigarettes, smoldering campfires, misuse of fireworks and yes, climate change, are destroying Oregon. If you doubt me, go take a hike.

It's BBQ season and fireworks season, but with the unprecedented temperatures in Portland this past week, many of the cities around our beautiful state have implemented fireworks bans. When I was a child, we would go to the reservation and buy the big stuff, mortar rounds and M-80's. My grandpa Newt would help us blow stuff up, lighting the fireworks with his blow torch, his eyes full of childlike glee. It was incredibly fun and extremely dangerous, but my brother and I loved it, of course.

41.3 SQ FT 46" PEAK 2 DOORS
Perfect tent for a claustrophobic chick & her dude & dog. Until we found this tent, we were in a tiny little thing that we called "The Burrito" that weighed just as much or maybe a little more. But I couldn't sleep in it without panic attacks which led to throwing myself from the tent at night, every hour or so. Kind of annoying to all.
When we found this amazing tent, I felt as if we had moved from a studio apartment to a mansion. It is now discontinued, but someway, somehow when I went to replace our poor, used & abused tent, after months of looking and prayers on my part, REI came through & we were able to get the same one again. (I should have bought two because it is no longer available, once again.)